viernes, 22 de enero de 2016

The hurried decision of Chillie.

In a world where the electronic supplies are alive one man, and his old friend the fridge Chillie are together since he has memory, the fridge Chillie, was too old, and obviously she has many problems.
One day, in the morning while he was having his breakfast, they discovered that Chillie, had started to have problems with her door, and after a while trying to fix the fridge the guy decide to go to the shop, Chillie was terrified, because she thought that the man is going to change for another fridge, an actual and fancy one, so the little fridge (Chillie) took the difficult decision of moving on.
The truth was that the man, just gone to the shopping for a new piece, not for a new fridge, at the time that  the man returned to the house and discovered that his friend Chillie had gone, he ran away at the street for looking her, she was sitting on a swing at the landfill. He talk with her, and he explained to the fridge the reason why he had gone to the shopping, the man will never changed his old and best friend, because no matter how old she could be, she always going to be the best fridge of the world.
 The End.
                                                Vanessa Aravena

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